Awesome Live Music Entertainment – NJ NY The Funktion
The Funktion Awesome Live Music Entertainment – NJ NY The Funktion C ORPORATE E VENTS - W EDDINGS - F ESTIVALS TESTIMONIAL: You are truly “blessed” – accomplished musicians with an entertaining and engaging style-so much energy. We loved it! W e kept thinking we would sit down but every song kept our feet moving and us singing along! M. Geary – De nville NJ 7/4/13 Our music is fun, lively, energetic, dynamic and concert quality. With a vast enough repertoire, The Funktion can deliver a Disco Night, Motown dance party, a 70′s show, Oldies night, Funk Night, as well as current material–or an amazing mix for all ages to tear the roof off that sucka!! Call us Today 732-546-4710 Awesome Live Music Entertainment – NJ NY The Funktion, festival band nj, corporate nj entertainment, fundraiser band nyc, new jersey wedding and party music, dance ba...